Public Health Emergency Preparedness

The Coshocton Public Health District (CPHD) has an Preparedness Team operating under a grant from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) called Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP).  Funding goes towards the following initiatives:

  • Community Preparedness
  • Community Recovery
  • Emergency Operations Coordination 
  • Emergency Public Information and Warning
  • Fatality Management 
  • Information Sharing
  • Mass Care
  • Medical countermeasure Dispensing
  • Medical Materiel Management
  • Medical Surge
  • Non-pharmaceutical Interventions
  • Public Health Surveillance
  • Responder Safety and Health 
  • Volunteer Management

A public health emergency is any event or situation demanding immediate action on the part of the public health system in order to prevent disease and injury or maintain public health within the community of service. Emergencies can be natural or man-made.

Coshocton Public Health District Partners with Coshocton County Emergency Management Agency, the Healthcare Coalition and other members of our community. We work to ensure all residents and visitors in Coshocton County are prepared for public health emergencies and/or natural disasters. 

How can you be more prepared?


When a disaster strikes, it is often at a moment’s notice.  Do you have enough supplies for your family to safely survive for at least 3 days? See the following links to help you put together the best kit for your family.

Prepare for Emergencies Brochure

Emergency Checklist

Pet Emergency Planning


Before an emergency happens, sit down together as a family and decide how you will get in contact with each other, where you will go and what you will do in an emergency.  Keep a copy of this plan in your emergency supply kit or another safe place where you can access it in the event of a disaster.  See the following links for help making your plan:

Family Emergency Plan

Parent Family Communication Plan 

Child Family Communication Plan

Pet Emergency Planning

Pet Friendly Travel Options

It’s important to reassess your situation.  Your emergency plan needs to grow and change just as your life changes.  Has an elderly parent moved into your home? Is someone in your family temporarily disabled due to recent surgery or accident? Learn more about special needs in the time of disaster:

Planning for Older Americans

Planning for Those with Access and Functional Needs


Coshocton County EMA

Coshocton County Sheriff’s Office

American Red Cross

Center for Disease Control 

Ohio Department of Health

 CodeRED Emergency Alerts and CodeRED Weather Warnings send notification to those that are in the path of incoming severe weather or may be affected by some other emergency situation. The calls are placed directly to your home or cell phone number you have registered in the database.  TEXT: 76993 to receive free call/text alerts. 

Public Health Emergency Response Coordinator:

Stephanie Slifko (P) 740-295-7310 |(F) 740-295-7576