The Women, Infants, and Children program (WIC) provides Nutrition Education, Healthy Foods, Breastfeeding Support and Healthcare Referrals for income eligible:
- Pregnant women
- Breastfeeding mothers
- Non-breastfeeding mothers up to 6 months postpartum
- Bereaved mothers up to 6 months postpartum
- Infants and Children up to age five
Despite our name, dads or any legal guardian are welcome to present their children for services up through the child’s 5th birthday.
WIC Appointments:
Call 740-622-2929 Monday-Friday, 8:30 am to 3:30pm to schedule.
Must bring the following to your appointment:
- Photo ID
- Medicaid card or check stub
- Proof of address
- Child(ren)
- WIC card
What Happens at a WIC Appointment?
- First you meet our support staff. They will help you with our forms.
- Height, weight, and blood iron is checked about every six months. Painless, no-stick blood work is done for most children and women.
- A health professional reviews your or your child’s health information. All findings about growth and eating habits are discussed with you.
- Together with the health professional, you write a six-month goal to try something to work towards a healthy lifestyle. Goals are simple and practical – like using low-fat milk.
- You will receive your nutrition benefits at your WIC appointment.
Find out more on the ODH Website HERE.
WIC How-To Videos:
How to Use Your WIC Nutrition Card – Video
Downloading and Using the WIC Shopper App – Video
Shopping for WIC Benefits – Video
More about Coshocton WIC: