Environmental Health


The Environmental Department provides licenses for:
Food Service and Vending Operations
Recreational Vehicle Camps and Parks
Sewage Installers
Septic Tank Pumpers
Body Art/Tattoo’s
Water Haulers
Pools, Spas, and Bathing Beaches
Sanitary Landfills
Construction and Demolition of Landfills

We also investigate the following:
– Nuisance Complaints
– Animal Bites
– Rabies Concerns
– Food Bourne outbreaks
-Open Burning & illegal open dumping

Click HERE to access the list of downloadable forms for permits and license applications.

To learn more about RADON, click the picture below.

The Ohio Department of Health is distributing a limited number of FREE test kits to Ohio homeowners to encourage radon testing in homes. Claim yours and test your home today.



To learn more about LYME DISEASE, click the picture below.

Lyme disease is the most common vector-borne disease in the United States. Lyme disease is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi and rarely, Borrelia mayonii. It is transmitted to humans through the bite of infected blacklegged ticks. 

For signs, symptoms, treatment, and removal, click the link below.


Environmental Services Contact Information:

Zach Fanning, REHS,  Director of Environmental Health

Jesse Christmas, REHS