Board of Health

Board of Health Meetings are held the third Thursday of each month at 5:30 PM in the Coshocton County Commissioners Community Room adjacent to the Health Department. All meetings are open to the public. 

Questions regarding the meetings can be directed to:

Director/Health Commissioner, Kristina Bell at (740) 295-7304.



Members of the Board of Health are appointed to their positions by the Coshocton County District Advisory Council (DAC).  During the DAC’s annual meeting the Advisory Council makes the necessary appointments to the Board of Health, receives and considers the annual and special reports from the Board of Health, and makes recommendations to the Board of Health or the Health District in regards to matters for the betterment of health and sanitation within the district or for needed legislation. 

Board of Health Members/Term Expiration                                                                   

Dr. Stephanie Richcreek, MD – 2029                                                                      

Don Wells (President) – 2025                                                                                                    

Dr. Jeff Poland, DMV (Vice President) – 2026                                                                                   

Lisa Spillman – 2027                                                                                               

Linda Weber – 2028                                                                                               


Click the link below to access Board of Health meeting Minutes:

Board of Health Minutes