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Next Auditor’s Sale: 2025 Date To Be Determined

Location: Coshocton County Court House


Current Forfeited Property List (as of 10/22/2024)

Previous Forfeited Property List (click tabs on bottom of excel sheet for past sale results)(last updated 5/26/2023)

Forfeited Land/Auditor’s Sale Procedures Rev.7/23

Sale Pre-Register Form  (Please wait till closer to the next sale to sign up.)

“Every tract of land foreclosed upon for delinquent taxes or a tax lien that has been properly offered for sale on two separate occasions, not less than two weeks apart and not sold shall be forfeited to the state and the County Auditor will offer it for sale to the highest bidder.” Ohio Revised Code Section 5723

Parcels are first offered for the lesser of the Auditor’s Fair Market Value or the total of all costs, taxes and charges. If any of the parcels fail to sell at this minimum bid, and they have not been requested by the Coshocton County Land Reutilization Corporation (CCLRC), they are offered again in a second sale immediately following for the best possible bid. No person delinquent on real property taxes in the State of Ohio may purchase a property at an Auditor’s Sale. Also, the owner of record or a member of their immediate family prior to the judgment of foreclosure or forfeiture may not purchase the property for less than the total amount of taxes, assessments, penalties, interest and costs.

Any taxes, charges or costs not covered by the sale will be remitted and all liens are eliminated except for the real estate taxes covered by the sale. If there is a Federal lien, the Federal Government has “Right of Redemption” and may re-take the property for 1 year after the original foreclosure was filed. The buyer will receive only the amount he paid at the Auditor’s sale and no more regardless of improvements done after the purchase.

Manufactured homes are treated in the same manner, and will be sold separately. No land goes with manufactured home sales.

Want to view the property before you buy? 

Use this to view the overview of each parcel:

000-00000 are Manufactured Home (MH) parcels and only the MH sells.

000-00000000-00 are Real Estate parcels.

Want to view more information of this property before you buy? 

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