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The Ohio Forestry Tax Law (OFTL) program is administered by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry, according to the Ohio Revised Code and the Ohio Administrative Code. In exchange for the tax reduction conferred by Ohio’s forest property tax laws, landowners agree to manage their forest land for the commercial production of timber and other forest products and to abide by pertinent rules and regulations.
This program reduces the value of the acreage put into the program by 50% for tax calculation purposes.
For more information on or an application for the Ohio Forest Tax Law (OFTL), please contact the service forester in our area:
Jake Peer
2205 Reiser Avenue SE
New Philadelphia, OH 44663
(614) 698-9779
Ohio Department of Natural Resources OFTL Page
In order for a private forester to write a plan eligible for OFTL, they must either:
1) be on this list
2) be a Society of American Foresters Certified Forester
3) be a member of the Ohio Association of Consulting Foresters
Ohio Society of American Foresters List as of 05/28/2024