Grant K. Daugherty, County Auditor

Category: Uncategorized (Page 1 of 2)

Notice- Ridgewood School District Millage

The Ridgewood School Board has voted to change their inside millage to permanent improvement.

If you have any questions regarding the millage change, please contact the Ridgewood School District.

Below are frequently asked questions regarding school levies.

                        How are school districts financed?

  • At the local level, school districts receive funding from locally levied property taxes.

What is a property tax levy?

  • A property tax levy is the collection of taxes charged on the value of property. Each district must follow a process described in Ohio law in order for taxes to be levied on property within the district. Boards of education propose additional local tax revenues by board resolution.

What is a mill?

  • The unit of value for expressing the rate of property taxes in Ohio is the “mill.” A mill is defined as one-tenth of a percent or one-tenth of a cent (0.1 cents) in cash terms. Millage is the factor applied to the assessed value of property to produce tax revenue.
  • Inside or unvoted mills — Millage imposed by local governments without voter approval as defined in the Ohio Constitution. The constitutional limit for these taxes is 1% or 10 mills. Public schools, cities, counties and other local governments within a taxing district are allocated a portion of the inside mills collected within the district according to a statutory formula.
  • Outside or voted mills — Millage approved by voters. Outside mills are subject to the property tax reduction factor.
  • Effective mills — In the case of real property, a difference can exist between a tax levy’s rate as authorized by the voters and the actual amount of mills charged against a district’s assessed valuation. The effective millage rate reflects the fact that the original number of voted mills has received an adjustment to compensate for the impact of inflation on real property values.

TY 2024 Value Increase- Public Notice

Real Estate Property Values are Increasing in Coshocton County for Tax Year 2024


Every three years, State Law requires the County Auditor to research all parcels that sold in the last three years and determine how the selling prices compare to the values that the County Auditor has on record. Those sales are used as a yardstick to determine how the property values are trending in each neighborhood. The Ohio Department of Taxation requires the County to use this sales data to update the property values to be 90-110% of the current market value.

The 2024 Triennial property value update has been completed following three years of strong property sales. The State Department of Taxation has mandated property values in Coshocton County be increased by an average of 28% for Tax Year 2024.

“We are still seeing high prices for properties and I believe most of the new values for Tax Year 2024 are below what a vast majority of properties could be sold for”, said Coshocton County Auditor Grant K. Daugherty.

What does this mean for your property taxes for 2025? There will be some increase, but how much is not known at this time. We will have clearer picture about this information after the November election, because of the property tax levies on the ballot.

“Property values going up is a double edge sword”, said Auditor Daugherty, “as property owners, which I am one, we want our properties to increase in value. But we do not want to pay any more in property taxes”.

For an estimate of your property taxes, property owners can go to the Auditor’s web page at

and at the top, click on “Property Search” and then either click “Owner Name” or “Address”. Put in the required information and this will take you to the Auditor’s Profile page. On the left-hand side towards the bottom is the Tax Estimator. Put in your property value and it will give you an estimate of what your property taxes will be before any credits are applied.

If you have any questions about your property values, please contact the Auditor’s office at 740-622-1243 and ask for Jarrod Tipton.

If you feel your property values are incorrect, you can file a formal appeal with the Board of Revision. This is done in the Auditor’s office starting January 1st to March 31st, 2025.





The Coshocton County Board of Revision will be meeting in the County Treasurer’s Office, 349 Main Street, Coshocton, Ohio, on May 30th & 31st, 2024, beginning at 10:00 A.M. each day.

Contact the Auditor’s Office at 740-622-1243 for details of the meetings scheduled.


                                                                                                       Grant K. Daugherty

                                                                                                       Coshocton County Auditor


May 07th, 2024- Public Notice


The Coshocton County Board of Revision will be meeting in the County Treasurer’s Office, 349 Main Street, Coshocton, Ohio, on May 13th, 2024, beginning at 10:00 A.M. 

The Board of Revision will be reviewing complaints filed for 2024.




                                                                              Grant K. Daugherty               

                                                                              Coshocton County Auditor

December 27th, 2023- Public Notice


The Coshocton County Budget Commission will be meeting on every Wednesday and Friday morning for all of 2024 starting January 3rd, 2024, in the Coshocton County Treasurer’s office at 10:00 AM.




                                                                                                            Grant K. Daugherty

                                                                                                            Coshocton County Auditor



April 7, 2023 – Public Notice

April 7th, 2023


 The Coshocton County Budget Commission will be meeting with the members of the County Health District in the Treasurer’s office to discuss their 2024 Budget on Monday, April 17th, 2023, at 10:00 AM.


                                                                                                            Grant K. Daugherty

                                                                                                            Coshocton County Auditor

March 21, 2022 – Public Notice

March 21, 2022


The Coshocton County Budget Commission will be meeting with  members of the County Health Department to discuss their 2023 Budget on Monday, April 4, 2022, at 10:00 a.m.  The meeting will be broadcast to the public via Coshocton County’s YouTube channel that can be accessed at the following link:

Christine R. Sycks

Coshocton County Auditor


November 24, 2021 – Dog Tag Poster Winners News Release

     Chris Sycks, Coshocton County Auditor, is pleased to announce the winners of the 5th Annual Dog Tag Poster Contest.  Congratulations to Peyton Hunt, a 1st Grader at Ridgewood Elementary, and Kelly Corbett, a 5th Grader at Sacred Heart School, who won in their respective age groups.  Each received $10 plus a bowl, treats, and a toy for their dogs, Wilson Hunt and Roxie Corbett.  Copies of the winning posters will be displayed at points of sale for the upcoming 2022 dog tag season.  All 260 poster entries received will be displayed in Annex Windows at 349 Main Street during January.  No public funds were used for prizes, as all of the gifts were purchased by Sycks.

     The Dog Tag Poster Contest was created by Auditor Sycks to help promote community awareness of dog licensing.  One of the responsibilities of the Auditor is to license all dogs in the county.  As per Ohio Revised Code, 2022 dog tags will be sold with no penalty beginning on December 1st and going through the 31st of January.  By law, any person who has a dog on his or her property needs to register it with the County Auditor or one of her agents (for an extra $.75 convenience fee) and purchase a tag.  Dogs must be registered in the county in which the owner resides.  The cost is $12 for a 1-year, $36 for a 3-year, and $120 for a lifetime tag.  Non-high-volume Kennel Licenses are $60 and are available at the Auditor’s Office.

     For owners of previously registered dogs, reminder letters will be going out by mail soon.  Tags are required regardless of whether you receive a letter, whether the dog is an indoor or outdoor dog, or whether you are ‘just keeping’ a dog for somebody else.  Penalties double the price of tags if they are purchased after January 31, 2022.

      Visit for licensing details and satellite sales point locations.  Tags can also be purchased online at for an extra $2.15 convenience fee.  Follow the Coshocton County Auditor’s Office on Facebook for updates and reminders.  Remember – if your dog gets lost, the tag is its ticket home!


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