Friends of the Coshocton County Drug Court, Inc.

Friends of the Coshocton County Drug Court, Inc. is a 501(3) (c) non-profit organization supporting the Juvenile Drug Court and Family Dependency Treatment Court – promoting a drug-free lifestyle and programming for the participants in Coshocton County. Formally established in the summer of 2007, the organization provides a means to raise funds to enhance the efforts of the Court in its operation of the Specialized Docket Programs and in supporting education and treatment to promote healthy drug-free choices. Funding supports specialized treatment programming, graduation ceremonies, incentives and family centered activities, drug testing, and educational information for program participants. This Board also acts in an advisory capacity for Specialized Dockets material reviews and for other Court related grant programs and related community initiatives. 


Kathy Art, President Children Services Administrator Coshocton County DJFS
J. D. Hardway Lieutenant Coshocton County Sheriff’s Office
Herb Tidrick, Treasurer Retired Veterans Officer Coshocton County Veterans Office
Darcy Nelson Guidance Counselor Coshocton City Schools
Jennifer Austin Director Coshocton Public Library
Tammy Smith Director of Nursing Coshocton Public Health 
Tom Edwards Owner/President Auer Ace Hardware
Mike Masloski Superintendent Ridgewood Local Schools
Becky Beiter Retired Director of Nursing Coshocton County Health Department

Donations are tax-deductible and may be sent to:

Friends of the Coshocton County Drug Court, Inc.

c/o Herb Tidrick, Treasurer

426 Main Street

Coshocton, Ohio 43812


Norm Davitt Memorial Scholarship

Norm Davitt Memorial Scholarship Application

The Norm Davitt Memorial Scholarship was established in 2015 by the Davitt Family in Norm’s honor to support the ongoing efforts of the Coshocton County Juvenile Court’s Drug Court Program and the youth that it serves. As a local attorney and Coshocton County Public Defender, Norm helped to start the initial Juvenile Drug Court in 2002 and was an instrumental participant and advocate for the youth served in the program.  After his retirement as Public Defender, Norm worked as the Juvenile Drug Court Attorney, continuing in that capacity until March 2014. This fund is established to support the mission of the Juvenile Drug Court Program by providing strength-based services through educational and job skills training opportunities for current or former program youth, resulting in responsible citizenship and community safety.

This scholarship is administered by The Coshocton Foundation.

Donations are tax-deductible and can be:

mailed to:    delivered in person at:
Coshocton Foundation   Coshocton Foundation
P.O. Box 55    220 S. Fourth Street
Coshocton, Ohio 43812    Coshocton, Ohio 43812