E-Mailing vs. E-Filing

General Documents are Accepted for E-Mailing:

Pursuant to Local Rule the Court will accept general documents by e-mail. The filing of pleadings or other papers, subsequent to the original complaint and not requiring a security deposit may be submitted by e-mail at:        doc426@coshoctoncounty.net    

Records and reports that have been typically faxed in the past may now be sent via this new e-mail address. All submissions shall be in PDF format (portable document format). All e-mail filing transmissions shall include the Case Number and Caption in the e-mail subject line. All documents requiring a signature shall contain a written signature, not just a typed signature.

See Probate Local Rule 57.9 and Juvenile Local Rule 1.7 for specific information located on the Court Rules link above.  

Limited Documents are Accepted for E-Filing:

  • Probate Documents
    • See Comprehensive List Below
  • Juvenile Guardian Ad Litem Reports

Setting up your e-filing account in 3 easy steps:

  1. Please visit: https://efile.henschen.com (opens in a new window) and register for an account;
  2. Upon registering, a verification link will be e-mailed, when clicked, the link will activate your account;
  3. Once your account is activated, you can begin filing.

How to file (after initial setup):

  1. The document(s) you have created and wish to file need to be in saved PDF format. 
  2. Click “File Documents” and select the Coshocton County Probate Court or Coshocton County Juvenile Court;
  3. Then select the form(s) that represent the document(s) you wish to file;
  4. You will then need to provide any additional information requested for the form(s) selected;
  5. Next search for and select the case you wish to file the document on;
  6. Then upload the documents to file and then identify them with the forms selected earlier;
  7. Finally, pay any filing fees necessary. 
  8. Once fees are paid, the filing along with the documents are sent to the Court for review and submission.

Juvenile documents accepted by E-File

Special Information: Please note that since Guardian Ad Litem Reports may be filed in several case types, you must select the case type in the menu when filing your reports:

Probate Cases:                                                   Juvenile Cases:

Select PROBATE COURT                                     Select JUVENILE COURT

Then select: Guardian Ad Litem Report           Then Select One of the following under Guardian Ad                                                                                       Litem Report:

                                                                                    “Abuse/ Neglect / Dependency” (JFS Cases)


                                                                                                   “Adult”   (Custody Cases)


                                                                                    “Delinquent / Unruly” (Probation/ Juv. Cases)

Probate documents accepted by E-File

Guardianship: Minor Settlement:
Guardian’s Inventory Applicant Information Form
Waiver of Notice of Hearing on Inventory OHLEG Consent & Release Form
Certificate of Service of Notice of Hearing on Inventory Authorization for Determination of Criminal Behavior
Application to Release Funds Entry Approving Settlement of a Minor’s Claim
Application to Expend Funds Verification of Receipt and Deposit
Guardian’s Account Report of Distribution and Entry Minor’s Claim
Waiver of Notice of Hearing on Account Application to Expend
Certificate of Service of Notice of Hearing on Account Narrative; Statement in Support of Claim
Guardian’s Report Motion to Continue
Annual Plan – Estate Motion to Approve Contract of Representation
Annual Plan – Person Motion to Accept Medical Record and Testimony in Lieu of Physician’s Statement
Notification of Compliance with Guardian Education Requirements Physician’s Statement
Notice of/Application for Change of Address GAL Report and Recommendation
Application to Terminate Guardianship Structured Settlement documentation
Application to Extend Time Medical Records
Applicant Information Form Signed Statement from Independent Professionals Specifying the Present Value of the Settlement and Statement by the Annuity Carrier
OHLEG Consent & Release Form Confidential Personal Identifier
Authorization for Determination of Criminal Behavior Settlement Agreement and Release