Second half 2023 tax year real estate taxes were due Friday, July 19, 2024.

Second half 2024 tax year manufactured home taxes were due Friday, July 19, 2024.

 All payments received after the due date will be subject to penalty.

You can pay your real estate taxes at:

We now offer automatic withdraws from your checking or savings account.  These can be monthly, half year, or full year.  Please contact us to sign up at 740-622-2731.

We are now accepting credit card payments in the office at this time!
To see current  and prior year tax information, click below:
Current and History Tax Search

Businesses seeking  tax information not found on the Auditor’s web site above, can fax their request  to

(740) 622-6515

If you have any questions concerning valuation, the calculation of your taxes, CAUV or Homestead Exemption, please call the County Auditor’s office at
(740) 622-1243