Our tree seedling sale has begun!
Please see our new dedicated webpage.
The Coshocton SWCD is sponsoring its annual “Big Tree Contest.” This contest is open to all species of trees growing on privately owned property in Coshocton County. Property line trees and trees growing on federal, state, or local government land are not eligible. Any person can enter a tree physically located in Coshocton County whether or not the tree is growing on the nominator’s property. The Big Tree Contest is a county-wide contest, while the “Coshocton Is Blooming” category is limited to trees growing within the City of Coshocton.
All entries must be received by 4:30 p.m. on August 30, 2024. Entries will be measured by a representative from the Coshocton SWCD using the national standardized measurement criteria. The owners of the two “Big Trees” will each receive a plaque at Coshocton SWCD’s Annual Meeting & Banquet to be held October 17 at the Lake Park Pavilion. Entry forms are also available at the Coshocton SWCD office.
Our technicians will measure the trees, but if you are interested in how they are measured, this is a good resource: Measuring a Big Tree
A forestry field day will be held on Wednesday, July 17 at 6:00 p.m. The location will be Schumaker Farms (52441 CR 16, West Lafayette, OH 43845). Topics include: Recent Storm Damage Timber Harvest, Crop Tree Release, Herbicide Application Demonstration, and more.
Event Sponsored By: Millwood Lumber and Coshocton Soil and Water Conservation District
Signs will be posted and reservations are required by July 15th. Light refreshments will be provided. To RSVP, contact 740-622-8087, ext. 4 or ryanmedley@coshoctoncounty.net.
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