Welcome to the Coshocton County Emergency Management Agency
Click the page buttons above for valuable information
LEPC -Local Emergency Planning Committee meetings and Right-To-Know information about Hazardous Materials
EMA– Emergency Preparedness Information as well as Staff Bios
Citizen Corp – Information about our Citizen Corp Programs and how to become involved
Events– Information about Upcoming Events
Links-Links to Local, State and other Public Safety Agencies and Departments
Special Needs Registry – How to get help during an evacuation (for county residents with special needs)
CodeRED– Register you information to be alerted during severe weather and other special or emergency situations
On April 23, 2014, Coshocton County EMA became an Ambassador for the NOAA Weather Ready Nation Initiative. “The purpose of the Weather-Ready Nation initiative is first and foremost to save more lives and livelihoods. By increasing the nation’s weather-readiness, the country will be prepared to protect, mitigate, respond to and recover from weather-related disasters.” We at CCEMA remain committed to ensuring that the residents of Coshocton County are prepared for any and all-weather related situations. Should you have questions about being prepared we are always ready to assist you in your preparation activities.