Category: Events

Board Meetings

The Coshocton Soil and Water Conservation District’s Board of Supervisors meets once a month, and uses the following schedule:

January, February, March, and December – Second Wednesday of the Month – 12:00 p.m.

April, May, June, July, August, September, October, and November – Second Wednesday of the Month – 8:00 p.m.

Any special or emergency meetings will be posted on our Events page as soon as they are scheduled.

SWCD Board Meetings are open to the public, and most meetings are held at the District Office, 724 S. 7th Street, Coshocton, Ohio.  If you are interested in attending our meetings or would like more information, please contact our office at 740-622-8087, ext. 4.  The Chairman of the Board may need to change the date and/or time of meetings throughout the year. Any changes will be made known to the public and updated on our Events page.

Supervisor Election Notice

The Ohio Soil & Water Conservation Commission will cause an election of the Coshocton Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD) to be held in accordance with Chapter 940 of the Ohio Revised Code. Anyone that owns land or lives in the City of Coshocton or Coshocton County and are 18 years of age or older may vote for Supervisor. One candidate will be elected to a three-year term beginning January 1, 2025 and ending December 31, 2027. The nominee is Beth Mullen.

There are 3 ways an eligible voter can cast a ballot:

  1. At the SWCD office (724 S. Seventh Street Room 120, Coshocton, OH 43812) during normal business hours (8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) starting September 18 and ending at noon on October 17.
  2. At the SWCD Annual Meeting, which will take place at the Lake Park Pavilion on October 17, with voting from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. You do not have to purchase an Annual Meeting ticket to come and vote for Supervisor.
  3. Voting absentee from September 18 until October 17 by requesting the ballot application and election ballot from the SWCD office by calling 740-622-8087 ext. 4 or email Absentee ballots must be received by the SWCD office by noon on October 17, 2024.

Nominee Information:

BETH MULLEN and her husband, Cole, have 2 daughters and live in Franklin
Township. Beth and her family farm with her father, sister, and uncle operating
Blair Porteus and Sons, raising corn, soybeans, hay, beef cattle, and contract hog
feeding. Conservation practices utilized on the farm include no-till planting, tile
drainage, spring developments, contour strips, sod waterways, comprehensive
nutrient management plan, and cover crops.
Beth is the Environmental Manager at McWane Ductile. Beth is a Farm Bureau
member, FFA Alumni, 4-H Advisor, and is a member of the Presbyterian Church
and Ohio Cattlemen’s Association.





Big Tree Contest

The Coshocton SWCD is sponsoring its annual “Big Tree Contest.”  This contest is open to all species of trees growing on privately owned property in Coshocton County.  Property line trees and trees growing on federal, state, or local government land are not eligible.  Any person can enter a tree physically located in Coshocton County whether or not the tree is growing on the nominator’s property. The Big Tree Contest is a county-wide contest, while the “Coshocton Is Blooming” category is limited to trees growing within the City of Coshocton. 

All entries must be received by 4:30 p.m. on August 30, 2024.  Entries will be measured by a representative from the Coshocton SWCD using the national standardized measurement criteria.  The owners of the two “Big Trees” will each receive a plaque at Coshocton SWCD’s Annual Meeting & Banquet to be held October 17 at the Lake Park Pavilion. Entry forms are also available at the Coshocton SWCD office.

Big Tree Entry Form

Our technicians will measure the trees, but if you are interested in how they are measured, this is a good resource: Measuring a Big Tree

First Farm Friday

We hope you will join us on Main Street in Coshocton for First FARM Friday on August 2. The goal of First FARM Friday is to educate the public about the importance of agriculture in our community and beyond. Visit one of our many displays, climb into farm machinery, and get up close to farm animals. Bring the kids to complete a stamp card and receive a free cup of custard from Whit’s Frozen Custard. Food will be available for purchase from vendors at the event.

Do you have a question for a local farmer? At First FARM Friday, you can talk to the men and women of Coshocton County agriculture. All of the presenters at the event volunteer their time to educate the community about Coshocton County’s number one industry. First FARM Friday was organized to be a fun, educational event that helps the general public understand the importance of agriculture in our community and beyond.


Pasture Walks Scheduled

There are two Pasture Walks planned for 2024. The first is on Tuesday, June 25 at 6:30 p.m. at the Rick Haines farm and the second is Tuesday, August 27 at 6:30 p.m. at the Travis Hahn farm.

The address for the June Pasture Walk is 29392 County Road 22, Warsaw, OH 43844 and it will feature beef cattle management. The August Pasture Walk address is 23794 County Road 93, Fresno, OH 43824. This date will highlight goat production. There will be signs posted to help you find the farm for both events.

We hope you will join us for these events where you will hear directly from the landowners about their operations and get ideas to use on your farm.  Reservations are not required. If you would like more information or to receive a postcard for pasture walks please call us at (740)622-8087 x 4 or email