Coshocton SWCD provides technical assistance through a cooperative working agreement with the U.S. Department of Agriculture – Natural Resources Conservation Service. All technical assistance provided by the Coshocton SWCD MUST follow USDA-NRCS standards and specifications. If the landowner wishes to install the practice without following these guidelines, our assistance will be withdrawn immediately.
Coshocton SWCD and USDA-NRCS provide technical assistance for the construction of conservation practices with the following guidelines:
Technical Assistance will be provided for site evaluation, conservation planning, design of the engineering plan and on-site supervision of the construction only if USDA-NRCS Standards & Specifications are followed.
What we DO
• Assistance is provided for:
• Site evaluations.
• Conservation plan development.
• Engineering assistance- including plan and design.
• Technical assistance provided at site:
• Provide technical assistance during construction.
• Answer questions about the construction of the practice.
• Materials- MUST meet USDA-NRCS specifications.
• USDA-NRCS standards and specifications MUST be followed.
• Pre-construction meetings to review with landowner and contractor.
• Any changes to plan- needs to be approved by person with the proper
job approval authority.
• All USDA-NRCS safety requirements must be followed and met.
• OUPS MUST be called 48 hours prior to digging, at 1-800-362-2764.
• Ohio Oil & Gas Association MUST be called 48 hours prior to digging, at
• Assistance for the installation of tile drainage:
• Site review and soils information.
What we DON’T do
• Assist with projects that DO NOT follow USDA-NRCS standards and
• We DO NOT operate equipment for the contractor.
• We DO NOT supply the labor to install the practice.
• We DO NOT provide assistance with construction of any practice without an
approved conservation and engineering plan.
• We DO NOT provide assistance if the materials do not meet USDA-NRCS
standards and specifications.
Failure to follow any guidelines will result in our withdrawal of technical assistance and could effect the eligibility of cost-sharing funds.
Coshocton SWCD Board of Supervisors have prioritized the workload of our technical staff and will follow the priorities as set by our stakeholders.
Priorities are as follows:
Soils and Technical Assistance
• Information on soil types and limitations for different uses- basements,
septic tanks, roads, etc.
• Information about suitable crops, rotations for each kind of soil, and
development of conservation plan.
• Information about manure application rates and development of
comprehensive nutrient management plans to properly handle manure and
commercial fertilizer.
• Assistance in designing, laying out, and supervising construction of
conservation practices; for example, grassed waterways, diversions,
contour strips, spring developments, structures, and animal manure
storage facilities.
• Information about alternative land uses and treatments for controlling
erosion and reducing sedimentation.
• Aerial and soil maps of Coshocton County.