Aaron Shearer is a 2000 graduate of Oak Glen High School, New Manchester WV. He was born in Ohio but grew up in Chester WV; he moved to Coshocton County in 2020.
He joined the Air Force in 2000, serving as an Aerospace Propulsion Craftsman for the C-5 Galaxy, assigned to Dover AFB, DE. He then served as an Enlisted Accessions Recruiter, assigned to the Zanesville OH Recruiting Station, there he earned the Senior Recruiting Badge. Upon completion of this Special Duty Assignment, he returned to aircraft maintenance at Dover AFB as an Aerospace Propulsion Craftsman/Flying Crew Chief for the C-5 Galaxy/Super Galaxy aircraft, there he earned the Senior Craftsman Badge. He also served with the Air Force Reserves. He was medically retired in 2023.
Aaron is a Veteran of OIF/OEF, deploying to Kuwait, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, and Afghanistan. While serving in the Air Force, he was awarded the Air Force Commendation Medal, Air Force Achievement Medal, Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal, Meritorious Unit Award (2nd award), Air and Space Outstanding Unit Award (9th award), Air Force Good Conduct Medal (4th award), Air Reserve Forces Meritorious Service Medal (2nd award), National Defense Medal, GWOT and GWOT Expeditionary Service Medals, Air and Space Campaign Medal, Air and Space Expeditionary Ribbon w/ Gold Border (3rd award), and the NATO ISAF Medal.
He is a life member of the VFW and AMVETS Post #36, member of the American Legion Post #65, Disabled American Veterans Chapter #74, and a member of the Non Commissioned Officers Association. He also serves as a board member of a local veterans non-profit, Operation Veterans Helping Veterans (OVHV). Aaron began working at our Veterans Service Office in February 2023.
Email: aaronshearer@coshoctoncounty.net