Thank you for your interest in learning more about our animal shelter. We are the last remaining open admission cat shelter in the state of Ohio. We also serve in county, owner surrender and stray dogs and puppies by the hundreds each year.

We are not affiliated with or connected to the “Coshocton County Humane Society”. We do not house and are not responsible for, the cats located at Tractor Supply Co. We are the animal shelter, located on Morgan Run road, serving all animals in need for over 50 years.

We operate on a volunteer based, limited staff. We are an underfunded, rural animal shelter who despite many limitations, continue to do great things within our community and beyond. We see thousands of animals each year. Animals failed by owners, animals who are victims of the failed no kill movement—a movement spanning decades—with more animals neglected and suffering than ever. As a socially conscious and responsible facility, we are compelled to continue to accept animals—those otherwise turned away, those otherwise left behind.

Office hours & Cat/Kitten Intakes Monday-Tuesday-Thursday 11-1pm, including those hours for dog tag sales and donation acceptance. We are by appointment and available M-F for owners to redeem lost dogs from the pound. Please call and leave a voicemail anytime, 24/7. Adoptions are by appointment with an approved application. Please listen to our voicemail, browse our website & socials for day to day operations updates. 

Coshocton County Animal Shelter and HATA
21755 TR 164
Coshocton, Ohio 43812

We are NOT county employees. Our Director is an unpaid position and completely voluntary. We are a volunteer based organization, with only two part time paid cleaners. 

The dog wardens in Coshocton county are a separate office from our dog pound, we house those intakes when they pick up and transport to our facility.

As an open admission cat shelter and county dog pound, we receive a high volume of animals in need. We are not a no-kill shelter. We operate the animal shelter for dogs, cats, and other various animals in need and serve both our county and surrounding area counties cats and kittens. 

We are a humane solution to a problem we did not create. We could be no kill tomorrow, all we have to do is turn you away today.