401 1/2 Main Street, Coshocton Ohio

Month: November 2017

America Recycles Radio Ad Contest Winners

Congratulations to the winners of the CFLP Solid Waste District sponsored America Recycles Radio Ad Contest for Coshocton County 6th Graders.
The winners include:
Union Elementary- Leah Allen & Joni Winland and Parker Wine & Carter Russell
Coshocton Elementary- Raelynn Chaney, Emily Johnson and Chloe Kohman

Listen to WTNS the week of November 13-17 to hear their fantastic, creative and educational recycling PSAs!

Recycling Containers Available for Your Event

You’re having a good time at an event. You’ve just finished your drink and you look around for a recycling container to drop your bottle into. You see big trash cans, but then you realize that there isn’t any place to recycle cans and bottles… what to do?!

Most of us will recycle when given the opportunity and the Coshocton County Recycling & Litter Prevention Office is prepared to offer that opportunity! Our budget allowed us to purchase ten additional “Clear Stream” portable recycling containers in 2017. We currently have 20 containers (stand and lid) that the public or businesses may borrow for an event, at no charge. The containers are easy to transport and set-up. The bags are clear, which allows for people to see what should be going into the recycling- bottles and cans- instead of confusing it for a general trash can.

There are a few simple guidelines we ask:

  1. Call ahead to reserve containers and provide the date and time you will pick them up (M-F, 8am-3pm). The containers are loaned on a first-come, first-served basis.
  2. An adult needs to sign out the Clear Streams. Containers are marked with a number so that they may be tracked.
  3. Start recycling! We will provide a clear bag with each stand.
  4. Borrower is responsible for taking the collected recyclables to a county recycling location. Please do not place trash in the recycling drop-off locations.
  5. Please estimate the amount of recyclables collected to report to our office.
  6. Please return Clear Stream stand and lid within two business days of your event; cleaned and in excellent condition.

To make the recycling stream cleaner and more efficient, please discard any trash that make have been inadvertently been dropped into the Clear Stream. Please do not put the clear bag into the drop-off bin. The clear bag can be recycled locally at Buehler’s or Wal-Mart in their bag recycling locations.

As we move into graduation and outdoor event season, consider borrowing a couple Clear Stream containers to encourage guests to recycle and cut down on your event waste.

For more information or to reserve containers, please contact Tammi Rogers, County Recycling & Litter Prevention Program Manager at tammirogers@coshoctoncounty.net or 740.575.4813.


You can’t change the past, but you can change the future. Recycle.