What is Mobility Management and what does it offer?

As defined by the state of Ohio: The Ohio Mobility Management Program increases access to mobility to Ohioans by increasing understanding and awareness of transportation needs, coordination of transportation options to meet needs and building sustainable and healthy communities by integrating transportation into planning and programs.

Ohio Mobility Management Program

Ohio Mobility Management Brochure

What is Mobility Management?

  • Innovation in transportation services and coordination
  • Local/regional solutions to fit community needs and visions
  • Assists transportation-challenged populations (youths, disabled, elderly, low income…)
  • Easy place to go for information/referrals to assist individuals in learning about and accessing local transportation services
  • Shared table of transportation providers, planners and community stakeholders to collaborate, plan, implement and maintain a family of transportation services

Mobility Management Offers

  • Assistance to Coshocton County residents
  • Coordinated transportation services
  • Travel training for consumers
  • Assistance with program eligibility
  • Speaking engagements for groups and public functions
  • Hub for transportation options
  • United collaboration of providers, planners and stakeholders to develop and maintain a family of transportation services
  • Connection between consumers and providers

Click the link below to view full Mobility Management brochure.